Friday, February 13, 2009

Tyca reveals lamps that could absorb CO2

Pierre Calleja is the talented inventor of a process that is already revolutionary : the lamp absorber of CO2. Pierre Calleja runs the innovative company named Tyca based in Libourne (Gironde) and specializing in aquaculture and aquariology. At a time when everyone is looking for solutions to counteract the pollution in our cities (especially pollution), he had the idea to develop a CO2 canister lamp. 

It is equipped with a tank containing micro algae to absorb CO2, to issue in exchange for oxygen, while continuing to grow in the light. The lamp of this patent was filed by Tyca that had already been contacted not only by private customers, but also by large groups such as Vinci. The city of Libourne in turn could be one of the first laboratories of real experience of the lamp. This lamp absorber of CO2 is not yet commercially available.Car parks, tunnels, stations and buildings could develop in the future streetlights Calleja.

A revolutionary solution for its efficiency, since a lighting of 1.5 m3 can capture 1 ton of CO2 per year. Multiplied by the number of fixtures that exist in a city as Paris and it is the Amazon forest that is planted on our streets!

Source : Daylife

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