Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Rush of investment funds on the French cleantech

69 % of french investment fund specializing in venture capital technology are willing to invest in energy and cleantech in the coming months, according to the first survey conducted by Aelios Financings.
The cleantech coming in fifth position, behind the internet and e-commerce (88%), telecommunications (88%), electronics / hardware (81%) and software (81%). 
Funds specializing in the development of more mature companies are interested in cleantech: 39% are willing to invest specifically in this market, as well as in the software or distribution. Not to mention that 46% of development funds to all interested sectors, including cleantech therefore. 
For companies in the sector in search of funds, a new even more interesting that no shortage of money. The funds do not slow down their investments in the next six months: the venture capital fund tech companies ready to invest, on average, between 9 and 13 million euros each. And development funds are ready to put them between 9 and 16 million each on the table, on average. 

If one considers that there are 40 funds specializing in risk assets in France, between 350 and 650 million euros would be available for innovative SMEs in the next six months. And on the basis of 30 funds involved in the development, between 250 and 550 million would be available for SME growth. This will be a little less than in 2008, but investments would remain supported. 
"France is in an exceptional situation, much better than its neighbors: through mutual funds in the innovation, investment funds proximity abatement measures for persons subject to the ISF, which invest in SMEs, there is money available, "says Patrick Vignaud. 
"The cleantech companies are among the best placed to benefit," he says. Only flat: young companies will find themselves competing with more mature companies, which, failing to find money on the side of banks, are turning to investment funds. 

The survey was conducted between 16 and 23 January to 62 investment funds French. 

Source : Greenunivers
More information : Greenunivers article

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