Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cairpol : City air pollution monitoring

Cairpol is a french company, located in Alès, which has developed a hand-held air pollution known as "the cairpatch. 
Cairpol started from: the idea that air pollution has two main areas: 
- air pollution mainly caused by the automobile (O3 and NO2) that affects the general public, especially vulnerable people such as asthmatics
- the accidental pollution on the safety (toxic gas in installations, sewage ...) that can affect the general public (carbon monoxide due to improper combustion by ex.). 

With this anaylysis, the french company decided to develop devices for monitoring air pollution. 

The goals: to be advised of the peaks of pollution and adapt their work to breathe less pollutants and to avoid crises It stresses that its technology is applicable to the detection of most gas and soon to particulate matter (PM 2.5-10, pollen, bacteria ...). . How much ?  72 euros.
Cairpol is positioned on the consumer market of low cost and ultra wearable devices for air pollution control in gases area (ozone, toxic gases), particulate area (PM2.5, pollens) or biological area (bacteria). Beyond the technological raised key (a new adaptive filter protected by patent) concerning the reliability of the sensors subjected to the abrupt changes of environmental conditions (inherent when they are worn on the wrist of a person), the strategy of Cairpol bases on the limitation on the duration of device functioning (to increase still the reliability by it) and thus on the annual renewal of devices. The first product, the Cairpatch, dedicated to the asthmatics to warn them of peaks of ozone pollution was validated on field for one year and is in the course of average series manufacturing ( 1000 / month ). 

Source : Cairpol 

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